About Us
Hello. Thanks for stopping by.

My name is Linda Van Fleet. I have been working on the Internet since 1996 as a webmaster. Since that time I’ve designed tons of websites, provided hosting and, in the past two years, have worked full time as a content provider and SEO consultant.
I’ve worked with many clients from Australia to the U.S.A who have been very pleased with my work.
I offer the following professional services:
Article Ghostwriting
Manuscript Ghostwriting
Article Re-writing
Sales Letter Creation
EBOOK Cover Creation
You may send us an email at any time and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We do not make you wait hours and hours or days to get an answer to your question.
If you would like to talk with in person – we’ll do that, too — just send me your phone number (USA) or your Skype ID (outside the USA) and I will be happy to discuss all your content needs.
Feel free to browse the site, especially the testimonials and samples pages. I’ll work hard to earn your trust.